One Year Later: Looking At What’s Changed in AI & Business

With the one-year anniversary of AI Knowhow fast approaching, we decided to spend the landmark 50th episode by taking a look back at a year of AI insights, innovations, and—if we’re being perfectly honest—letdowns.

In this special anniversary episode, host Courtney Baker is joined by Knownwell’s CEO, David DeWolf, and Chief Product and Technology Officer, Mohan Rao, to reflect on the episodes, surprises, and even debates that made the past year so memorable. If you didn’t catch the episode where David and Mohan talk about what it means to be “spiritually aligned” to deriving ROI from AI, Courtney highly recommends it!

The trio delves into the unexpected twists in AI’s evolution, from the powerful impact of generative AI on software development to the surprising lack of enterprise-wide AI orchestration so far. Courtney asks David and Mohan to share what surprised them the most in the AI landscape over the last year, and we also dig into a few of David and Mohan’s favorite episodes from the “first 49,” with the episode on What it Means to be Human in the Age of AI with Christian Madsbjerg earning high praise from the panel.

Last but not least, Chief Strategy Officer Pete Buer joins Courtney for a fascinating “What’s Your Flavor?” segment, unpacking a recent Fast Company article, The Alcoholic Beverage Industry is Leaning Into AI in more ways than you think. Pete covers how AI is revolutionizing the alcohol industry both upstream and downstream, from optimizing vineyard operations and crop growth to delivering new and different flavors to customers based on predictions from AI about what will perform best.

The lesson for executives here? Pete says they can and should be exploring the myriad different components of their value stream where AI could help them play a role in refining operations, improving their product quality and/or variety, and more.

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You can tune in to the full episode via the Spotify embed below, and you can find AI Knowhow on Apple Podcasts and anywhere else you get your podcasts.

Episode Highlights

  • 00:00 Celebrating One Year of AI Knowhow
  • 01:23 Favorite Episodes and Memorable Moments
  • 05:01 Guest Highlights and Listener Habits
  • 12:19 Surprising Developments in AI
  • 23:06 AI in the Alcohol Industry
  • 28:12 Closing Thoughts and Future Outlook

Show Notes & Related Links

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