The Intelligent Enterprise: How to Future-Proof Your Organization and Take Advantage of the AI Revolution

Knownwell CEO David DeWolf joined Mahan Tavakoli on his Partnering Leadership podcast to discuss the concept of the Intelligent Enterprise and where David sees AI helping mid-market companies drive performance improvements and operational excellence.

David has written in the past about the implications for businesses and executives of the shift from a growth to a performance economy, and he dives deeper into that concept in this wide-ranging interview on how we see artificial intelligence enabling companies to become more efficient, productive, and competitive.

Watch the episode to learn:

  • What it means to build an AI-ready culture
  • Which industries are likely to be impacted the most by AI
  • Why mid-market companies stand to gain more than perhaps any others
  • How to prioritize which AI initiatives to move forward with out of the entire universe of possibilities

Watch the Episode

You can see the full podcast interview via YouTube or the YouTube embed below.

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On a recent episode of Knownwell’s AI Knowhow podcast, we explored the shift from a growth to a performance economy, the role AI is playing in that shift, and the impact it will have on your business.

You can listen to the full podcast episode via the Spotify embed below.

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